She trying hard wanted to ' fit in'. But as she looked
into the mirror, she realised that no, this isn't who she is. Despite
how much she wanted to 'fit in', she just couldn't.
pressure and the need to 'fit in' is a huge challenge for all of us.
Everybody is desperate to look good, to outdo others. Must have branded
hand bags, the latest phone, pretty clothes, branded make up blah blah.
Semua nak ikot trend. Walaupun pocket tengah kering. But you know
what's precious? The ' I don't give a crap about what people think'
attitude. Try it! It'll make you feel a lot better. I remember when I
went to class. I'm wearing my jubah ( always my feveret to wear jubah).
Then, someone that I know ( she dress up like 'hipster girl') say hai to
me. "Hey...kampung girl! Nak pegi kelas ke?". And I still remember she
looked at me up and down my attire. And you know what? I don't care. I
don't care whose name on my hand bag. I bought my handbag with only
RM30. Show me your branded clothes, branded handbags, hipster looks or
make up yang setebal 6 inci blah blah, and I don't care. Those have no
value to me. What I value is experience, learning new things, travel and
see places, meet new friends. And my spiritual journey towards God.
That's what I care about. And the only thing that matters.
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