How to repair our skin barrier? What is skin barrier and how do you know
if your skin barrier is damaged? Let's find out!

My skin barrier routine (Morning)

1. low pH cleanser
2. Hydrating toner
3. Moisturizer that contains ceramides
4. sunscreen

What is skin barrier?

Basically, skin barrier ni adalah lapisan paling luar kulit kita yang mengandungi skin cell and protein-based. Fungsinya macam security guards, menghalang kotoran, pollution dan segala anasir2 jahat to entering our skin. A healthy skin barrier is the key to getting the 
best skin you possibly can get.


Let's check! If most of the list happened to your skin, then you have to repair your skin.

  1. Dehydration - kulit rasa tegang
  2. Dryness - kulit rasa terlalu kering, dry patch
  3. Redness - kulit kemerah-merahan, sensitif dari biasa
  4. Kulit rasa pedih dan kasar
  5. Itching - kulit terasa gatal dan mudah allergic
  6. Lines and wrinkles - bila kulit kering, kulit jadi kusam dan kedut
  7. Breakouts - clogged pores and acne
  8. Excess oil - kulit terlalu berminyak sangat
  9. Blackheads * blackhead berbeza dengan sebaceous filament

Dah check? Ada tak tanda2 kat atas tu? Jangan risau k. Let's solve it!

How to repair  you skin barrier damaged?

1. You must know what damaged skin's barrier.
Your harsh scrub, over cleansing, over exfoliate, wrong cosmetic,pollution, stress, poor diet, dan banyak lagi boleh jadi sebab kerosakan skin barrier.

2. Bila dah tau punca, then you can start avoid them and go back to basic. Make you skincare routine as simple as possible. Avoid alcohol, foaming cleanser and other irritating ingredients.

3. Big NO to scrub. Any physical or chemical exfoliate must be avoid. Bayangkan kulit muka you dah semakin nipis, then you exfoliate lagi. Memang rasa licin je after exfoliate, rasa bersih je. Tapi hakikatnya, kulit dah over exfoliate. No security guard, then segala anasir2 jahat masuk. Kulit muka akan jadi gatal2, over sensitif dan breakout.

4. Jaga pH kulit muka dengan cara always use low pH cleanser. Tapi ingat! Tak semua low pH cleanser sesuai dengan kulit muka kita.Se famous mana pon cleanser tu, tidak menjanjikan kebaikan untuk kulit kita. They act differently mengikut kulit masing2. Choose wisely k. Mahal dan popular tidak menjanjikan apa2.

6. Elakkan active ingredients (AHA, BHA, Salicylic acid).

7. Shop for the right ingredients. The best ingredients to repair our skin barrier is CERAMIDES and

 It should be full of those antioxidants too so that as well as defending your skin against the sun’s damaging rays, it also adds protection from other environmental stressors.

8. Don't forget drink plenty of water and jaga pemakanan. You are what you eat. The healthier you eat, the better your skin will be. 

My skin barrier routine (Night)

1. Oil based cleanser
2. low pH cleanser
3. Hydrating toner
4. Moisturizer that contains ceramides
* pakai sheet mask or sleeping mask

I know what you feel when breakouts happen. I can feel you. Sebab tu patch test and read review teramat penting. Sebab untuk pulihkan semula our skin barrier ambil masa yang lama. If rasa kulit tu dah okay, no need to try new skincare. Kalau nak jugak, patch test dulu supaya tak menyesal di kemudian hari. 

Okay, hope dapat membantu. Dah lewat ni. Good night guys.

1 comment

  1. ceradan tu elok tk untuk combination skin? kdg ii dry to oil , kdg ii normal to oil?
