Too many things had happen to me before VIVA! But, Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan urusan I.
Actually, kalau ikut jadual yang dah ditetapkan, I need to present on the first week tapi sebab ayah I meninggal waktu tu, then my lecturer izinkan I bercuti for 1 weeks. At first I agak rasa bersalah dengan my friend that should present in the same week with me. Because of me, they had to postponed too. 

And finally, we did it! After all the struggles, stay in lab until night, skip sleeping for writing thesis, crying everyday sebab risau pasal ayah dalam masa yang sama masalah dekat lab tak settle2. But, here I am, still survive and getting fat. 

VIVA tu apa?

Viva Voce is an oral examination and, like any other. examination, you need to be well prepared. After we complete our thesis writing, we need to present it! Yes, thesis korang yang tebal tu, summarize kan dalam slide dan present. Macam I dulu, ada 3 orang lecturer kat dalam bilik presentation tu. They will give marks and asked a few question about your research. Disebabkan, I special case sebab orang last present, lecturer benarkan my friend masuk n tengok I present. But my friend yang minggu2 lepas, student lain tidak dibenarkan masuk.

Apa yang I tau, tak semua yang sambung degree, wajib buat VIVA.  Sebab some of my friends from other course, diorang diberi pilihan either to do VIVA VOCE or make a group presentation.I'm not sure about it. But, for my course, to complete our degree, for final year project, kami wajb buat research, thesis then do VIVA. No choice.

And I tak pernah sekalipun menyesal pilih kos ni, sebab I memang sukakan nature. Disebabkan kos ni la I boleh masuk hutan, tidur dalam hutan, main dengan hidupan liar and banyak lagi la. 
Dulu masa sekolah seorang yang penakut dengan ular, tapi bila dah jadi student kos ni, siap belit lagi ular sawa kat leher. Perasaan masa ni tersangat lah lega. Apa taknya, this was the last presentation in my degree life! Yahoooooooo. Tapi tak boleh happy sangat, we still had our final exam. Sayonara, go read your lecture notes Fara! 

Lots of love,

[This is just throwback entry]

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